Thursday, November 25, 2004

What's Hot for the Holidays?

Hot -
Nike Shox
Adidas gym pants
DVD's (Pulp Fiction, True Romance, Con Air, Troy, Bourne Surpremecy)
Warm Shaving Cream
Dodge ball championships

Cool -
Blogs (see 1st entry)
Bush Bashing
Collars worn straight up

Romantic -
Love Letters

Unromantic - Click on the the link below


Telephones Aren't Romantic CLICK HERE


1 : moderately cold : lacking in warmth2 a : marked by steady dispassionate calmness and self-control b : lacking ardor or friendliness c of jazz : marked by restrained emotion and the frequent use of counterpoint d : free from tensions or violence 3 -- used as an intensive 4 : marked by deliberate effrontery or lack of due respect or discretion 5 : facilitating or suggesting relief from heat 6 a of a color : producing an impression of being cool; specifically : of a hue in the range violet through blue to green b of a musical tone : relatively lacking in timbre or resonance7 slang a : very good : EXCELLENT; also : ALL RIGHT b : FASHIONABLE 1

The above is the definition that Webster gives for coolness. Apparently they missed this in their definition;

Coolness - A characteristic only achievable if you have your own blog.